Diagnosis of prostate cancer


Benign prostatic hypertrophy
Prostatic cyst
Prostate tuberculosis
1. Diagnosis of prostate cancer
Diagnosing prostate cancer tuy?nN?u a person with these symptoms or test results from prostate cancer facilities, when to see a doctor to find out about medical history, personal and family history, conduct examination, and could spend the paraclinical tests. Consultations and tests, which may include visits to the rectum, urine tests to check for blood or have non-infested and blood tests measuring PSA.
In some cases doctors can measure the concentration of phosphataza acid prostate (PAP) in blood especially when the PSA test result have extraordinary. The doctor may further exploration to find the cause of symptoms. These tests include:
- Ultrasound through the rectum. The sound waves that humans cannot hear (ultrasonic) emitted from a probe inserted into the rectum. The sound wave is to respond to record the image of the prostate and computers using this recoil images to create an ultrasound images.
- Movie shooting hot kidney urinary-dose intravenous optical barriers.
- endoscopic bladder allow doctors to observe the urethra and the bladder through a tube small soi light source.
- Biopsy: If test results have cancer patients will need to be conducted a biopsy. In the process of cutting physician biopsy tissue samples in the prostate, usually by needle. Sick surgeon would observe the tissue under a microscope to look for cancer cells. If there is cancer doctors usually announce the extent of the tumor. The extent of the tumor for we know the level of other cancer tissue the tissue usually like and tumour growth. An assigned degree of cancer of the prostate, called the Gleason system, using a scale from 2 to 10. Another system used from Gi to G4. The tumor has a score higher then the ability to grow and spread more quickly than those tumors have a score lower.
If the results of consultations and tests are not cancer, your doctor may indicated medication to reduce symptoms caused by prostate phenomenon to up the cause. Surgery is also a way to alleviate these symptoms. Surgery is often used for cutting the prostate through the urethra (TURP Robel TUR). When conducting TURP. An instrument is inserted through the urethra to remove prostate tissue components inserted onto the upper part of the urethra and cause obstruction of urine flow.
2. The stages of prostate cancer
If discovered cancer in the prostate, your doctor needs to know the stage, or extent of the disease. Phase analysis is to find whether the cancer has spread and if it spread to parts of the body. Doctors conducted a blood test and probe various pictures to determine the stage of the disease. The treatment depends on these findings.
Define prostate cancer stage is a complex process. Your doctor can describe the stages using Roman numerals (I-IV) or print (A-D). Below are the main manifestations of each stage:
- Phase I or phase a. does not detect cancer when it visits the rectum. Can accidentally discovered when operated on for other reasons, usually the surgery for the treatment of benign prostate hypertrophy. There is no evidence that the cancer has spread outside the prostate.
- Phase II or phase b. the tumor has spread more in prostate tissue, which can detect when visiting the rectum, can also detect when conducting a biopsy due to a high PSA levels. There is no evidence that cancer has spread beyond the prostate
- Stage III or stage C cancer has spread outside the prostate to nearby tissues.
- Phase IV or phase d. cancer has spread to lymph nodes and other parts of the body.