List of the diseases "murder" quietly

Silent killer diseases as expressions talking about terminally ill, but the understanding of the people about the disease in order to prevent and cure is still very limited.

1. silent killer Diseases are diseases that have little or even no symptoms manifesting outside and has a very high mortality rate if not treated promptly and properly.

2. Heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes are three typical disease of the silent killer diseases.

Heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes are three typical disease of the silent killer diseases.

3. Some of the silent killer diseases lesser known as degenerative starch elementary (primary amyloidosis), renal cell carcinoma, pancreatic cancer, hepatitis B or hepatitis C ..
.4. Heart disease also belong to the Group of silent killer diseases. The main risk factor increases heart disease have high blood pressure, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and high blood fats (cholesterol increase).

5. Cancer is a silent killer disease group and has the highest mortality rate. Deaths from cancer was approximately 6.2 million people. On average every 8 persons suffered death by cancer, death rates from cancer are also higher than deaths due to AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined.

6. Smoking also causes silent killer diseases is highest, especially cancer and heart disease. Smoking causes 87 percent of lung cancer.

7. Mesothelioma (Mesothelioma) is cancer tissue layer coating inside the chest or abdomen are also grouped as silent killer disease, the vast number of people infected is by inhaling asbestos fiber and still contained medication.
8.Currently in the world there are 246 million diabetes and each year up to 3.2 million people die of the disease or other causes related to the disease.

9. The disease sleep apnea is also an element of a latent cause of stroke and sudden death while sleeping, a form of silent killer diseases but few are interested. Increasing obesity is also the underlying disease increases risk for.

10. outbreak of the epidemic, including viruses that cause hepatitis B and C are also grouped as silent killer diseases. It can cause cirrhosis, liver cancer and death. So far humans have yet to produce drugs and vaccines vaccine hepatitis C chronic.


